Friday, July 30, 2010

Mike Wengren of Disturbed joins Sic•Skinz!

Just yesterday Mike contacted us and we did a deal immediately. We've been wanting to work with Mike for some time now and his band Disturbed is nothing if not strong and brutal. This being said, we welcome Mike to the Sic•Skinz fold and look forward to our relationship as we trudge forward. Go see Disturbed on tour starting August to see the work we did for him as well as to hear this incredible band.

Welcome Mike... I hope to sample some sake with you next time you are up in Seattle... I know a killer place!

Barry Kerch of Shinedown joins Sic•Skinz

We are very delighted to extend a warm welcome to an old friend of ours Barry Kerch. Brien did some work for him a few years back while he worked with a company that shall remain nameless.

Anyway, Barry has joined Sic•Skinz as an endorsee and is currently touring with Shinedown on the Circus Of Madness tour for 2010. If you have not seen this magnificent band live, please do yourselves a favor and do so.

Welcome Barry, and it is our hope to continue to serve you as you continue your carreer.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Three new Endorsees!

Sic•Skinz would like to extend a warm welcome to Travis McNabb of Sugarland, Tim Yeung of Divine Heresy/Morbid Angel, and Aaron Farrier of

Welcome aboard guys!