Friday, July 30, 2010

Mike Wengren of Disturbed joins Sic•Skinz!

Just yesterday Mike contacted us and we did a deal immediately. We've been wanting to work with Mike for some time now and his band Disturbed is nothing if not strong and brutal. This being said, we welcome Mike to the Sic•Skinz fold and look forward to our relationship as we trudge forward. Go see Disturbed on tour starting August to see the work we did for him as well as to hear this incredible band.

Welcome Mike... I hope to sample some sake with you next time you are up in Seattle... I know a killer place!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article! Can't wait to see what you've done when Disturbed goes out for the Uproar festival! I'll get to see it in Tulsa, OK.

    Rock on!
